The Shady Entrepreneur

Rogue Basic Career

Of all the career paths a player can choose for his character, none require the player to have as much out-of-game skill as the Rogue. These players must be able to do almost all the classic feats a fantasy Rogue can do. Even many of the skills a character will learn require the player to perform the task. Rogues in LAIRE are varied in how they apply their skills. They are the burglars, cutpurses, footpads, scouts, spies, sneaks, lookouts, treasure hunters, etc. of the fantasy genre.
Rogues can learn to fight with many more weapon types than the Mage but not as many as the Warrior All of their fighting styles revolve around stealth, speed and dexterity. Additionally, the player will be able to choose from a few basic but useful skills to round out their character.
When a character is ready to advance their career they will have two choices, the Master Thief and the Assassin. There are other Advanced Careers that the character may pursue that do not depend on a Basic Career for its basis, namely the Alchemist, Spell Singer, Druid, Follower of the Light or Servant of Darkness.


Rogue Basic Career Skill List

The Rogue Basic Career Skill List costs 10 Build to purchase and may only be purchased once.

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Armor Skill 2 Once No
Backstab 6 Waylay Multi Yes
Blather 5 Waylay Multi Yes
Cheap Trick 3 Backstab Multi Yes
Disarm 4 Any Weapon Skill Multi Yes
Disarm Trap 2 Once No
Florentine 3 Any One-Handed Weapon Skill Once Yes
Pick Lock 2 Once No
Rogue Basic Career Skill List 10 Once No
Set Trap Rank 1 1 Disarm Trap Once Yes
Set Trap Rank 2 2 Set Trap Rank 1 Once No
Set Trap Rank 3 3 Set Trap Rank 2 Once No
Set Trap Rank 4 4 Set Trap Rank 3 Once No
Side Step 5 Multi Yes
Throat Punch 5 Waylay Multi Yes
Waylay 5 Small Weapon Skill Once No
Weapon Skill: Bow 3 Once No
Weapon Skill: Crossbow 4 Once No
Weapon Skill: One-Handed Edge 2 Once No
Weapon Skill: Small Weapon 0 Once No
Weapon Skill: Thrown Weapon 2 Once No
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